Like Video : 26 Years Later: New World Warrior Combos

26 Years Later: New World Warrior Combos

Further Viewing. Street Fighter the RPG: SF Mix Party: Get comfortable, lots of words are about to happen. Firstly, it was super refreshing to get away from SFV and play some classic street fighter. Testing out and capturing these combos was genuinely fun and felt rewarding in the same way getting footage for SFIV used to be. This video uses a glitch which some players were actually aware of back in the World Warriors era (which was 26 years ago if you're counting). Exclusive to Claw, it allows you to continue to attack him after a sweep knockdown. As far as I'm aware the first demonstration of this glitch was done by TZW. Back in the days when combo videos only existed on VHS. Not only did he popularize the glitch but I wouldn't have known about the OTG throw effect were it not for watching his old clips. He actually has a youtube channel now and you can check it out here: Aside from his footage and a few clips scattered around over the years, as far as I'm aware no one has ever really tried to explore the extent to which the glitch can be exploited. There are good reasons for this though, as I'll try to explain a bit later. A couple of things I don't think have been shown before are sweep infinites, double jump-in + mid-combo jump-in combos and double fireball combos. Some of these things are only possible when taking advantage of this OTG glitch combined with something that I'm going to call 'Falling into the corner pause'. Something that is possible in every game in the SF2 series but, as far as combos go, using it with a sweep is totally useless in pretty much every situation I can think of besides this one. For the purposes of this video, it effectively delays the point at which Claw is hit-able following a sweep. It is done by knocking the opponent down outside of the corner but having him fall into the corner. The point at which he hits the wall causes a brief pause, giving us a few precious frames of extra time. We use this time to do things that were previously impossible (Blanka j.HK, cr.HK, j.HP, cr.HP or Chun meaty cr.HK into jump in combo, for example). As usual, everything in this video is done by hand on a HRAP stick and a couple of the clips were done on a PS Controller. Also, every clip you see is recorded from the character select screen before fighting Claw. This meant that there was lots and lots and lots of 'pre-play'. By which I mean hella time spent testing combos and the extent of what can be done with this glitch against a 'live' CPU dummy. Which was often frustrating and made everything take much longer that a regular combo video would have. There was simply no other way to do it though, since the 4 Boss characters weren't playable in SF2:WW. This meant that I had to slowly learn, as much as is possible, to manipulate the actions of CPU controlled Claw. As many of these combos require pretty exact screen spacing in order to take advantage of that 'falling into the corner pause' at specific points, this AI manipulation was vital. Another aspect of getting these clips that might not be immediately obvious, is that there's a huge amount of randomness in SF2. This includes Damage, Stun points and the length of time you are actually stunned for. Meaning the exact same sequence can turn out perfect, KO before it's actually over or not KO at all. Furthermore it can Stun too early (1 heavy and 1 medium attack can, on rare occasions cause stun), work perfectly or not stun at all. Also, in the Honda clip, since he has no quicker movement options, Claw would sometimes just recover from the stun before I could get to him (which sucked every single time it happened!). This might sound like a joke but It's actually true. In the Zangief Clip, the post-stun teabagging is actually luck manipulation. I completed that combo exactly as you see it in the video somewhere in the region of 40-50 times. However, the final version that actualy made it into the video is only the 2nd that ever caused Stun on that cr.HK (vital for the SPD to connect). I tried whiffing a bunch of stuff and mixing up the strengths of some of the attacks many times to reproduce it but nothing worked except for the repeated crouching motion, done while Claw was stunned. In all, this took around 4 weeks to produce, including a bunch of time spent on 2 other SF2 style remixes I ended up not liking and abandoning. Thanks for checking it out and for bothering to read all these words. If you enjoyed this video then great. You can now go and do literally anything you want in the whole world. Goodbye and good sport!


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