Salamander Silhouette by antonsrkn
Nauta Salamander (Bolitoglossa altamazonica) - Amazonas, Colombia This is the first tropical salamander I have ever photographed, I'd seen them before but never at a time that I had a camera handy. I spotted this one from quite far away as I saw a little squiggle on a distant leaf. I had a pretty good idea as to what I was looking at and as I approached my suspicions were confirmed! I thought back light might make for an interesting image here. These little salamanders are quite slow to move and seem to be unlikely predators of small insects. However they have a secret weapon, they are able to shoot their tongue out at amazing speeds and nab any small invertebrates that venture close. I saw it in action a few times with some unlucky mosquitoes but unfortunately it was much to fast for me to photograph successfully this time around.
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