Hail No by Mike Olbinski Photography

On May 23rd, after time-lapsing the supercell south of Arthur as it neared highway 61, we raced north to get back ahead. But after five miles or so, the rain stopped momentarily and I looked back to see something in my rear-viewer mirror that made me slam on the brakes. We jumped out of the truck to one of the most amazing sights I've ever seen storm chasing in my career. Only way I can describe this is a supercell with a hail core microburst that seems to happen in the span of five minutes or less. It was crashing so fast and the rain was rapidly approaching from the west, that I had no ability to really time-lapse it. But it didn't matter...we stood there in utter amazement...made me once again realize how much I love doing this and why. https://flic.kr/p/27s79aQ


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